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Engaging peers in authentic relationships is essential to your well-being and capacity to thrive as a leader in today’s world.
Who It's For
Executive women of influence who understand that influence and the capacity to lead well extend far beyond the company and boardroom.
The Value
Relatability, shared insights, authentic friendships, and peer-level relationships marked by support and camaraderie in a safe and supportive environment.
The Format
Members gather, based on each individual’s interest and availability, for a variety of activities including dine arounds, breakfasts, topical discussions, cultural events, a not-to-miss annual retreat, and more.

What It Is
WiseWomen connects female executives in a safe, nurturing environment where personal and professional relationships can flourish. It is much more than networking; it is intentional and meaningful relationship-building.
Members can participate in monthly social activities, cultural events, philanthropic events, and educational opportunities as they are available. Moreover, the annual retreat is viewed as a highly valuable experience and members are also invited to all of CTLF’s events and workshops.
Whether the group is participating in an educational opportunity, hiking in the wilderness, supporting a philanthropic endeavor, or enjoying a cultural event, you are continually creating trusted bonds with wise women like yourself. Strong. Successful. Wise.
Executive-level women are personally invited to join, and membership qualifications include significant P&L and/or management responsibilities as well as board leadership positions and roles (current or past). Each new member’s mix of qualifications is considered on an individual basis.

Interested In Learning More?
Influential and community-minded women who hold executive roles within their organizations are invited to click here to schedule a conversation to learn more.
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