SPECIAL RELEASE: CEO, Xan Pearson’s Transition

SPECIAL RELEASE: CEO, Xan Pearson’s Transition

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” – John Maxwell  Dear Members and Colleagues,  As many of you know, when CTLF merged with CiviCO in December, I agreed to stay on for six months to help integrate...


GUEST BLOG by two long-term CTLF Board of Advisors Doug Sparks and David Hughes This month we asked Doug and David to write us a piece about how CTLF has personally and professionally impacted them over their years of service. Their responses show true depth of...
The Power of Resilience: Lessons from Colorado

The Power of Resilience: Lessons from Colorado

“Sometimes carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement.” – Albert Camus  Resilience is a concept universally understood and deeply valued. It evokes images of strength, endurance, and an unwavering spirit. In every culture, resilience is...
GUEST BLOG: What’s your definition of leadership?

GUEST BLOG: What’s your definition of leadership?

By: DJ Whetter, CEO, CiviCO I’ll never forget the day my definition of leadership changed forever. It has led to some of the most amazing work I’ve ever done. I’m obsessed with leadership. I study it. I read about it constantly. I believe I’m an expert on the subject....