Curated workshop for your organization to create a thriving, collaborative culture that ignites passion, fosters growth, and achieves remarkable results.

Who It's For

HEART-Level Leadership is the foundation for not only the individual leaders in an organization, but also contributes to the health and thriving of the teams within.

We design your workshop to create deeper understanding in your team, draw out perspectives, align values, and create agreements for how your teams will work together. We have several modules that address the most important opportunities and challenges faced by teams today.

The Team Experience

At the core of a healthy, thriving team is trust grounded in HEART-level values. With trust, you can challenge one another to excellence and hold each other accountable to the results you are committed to achieving.

Cultivating these values throughout an organization ensures your ability to:

  • Be agile
  • Have the right conversations
  • Innovate
  • Create success in your businesses
  • Thrive in your individual leadership journey

The Format

One, 8-hour session at your company’s location with a professional facilitator (includes 1-hour pre-session preparation call with the facilitator and CTLF staff member)

*Program has additional options available such as quarterly check-ins and monthly coaching calls

Interested In Learning More?

Contact us to hear more about how our team developmental program can help your organization thrive.