By: Jamie Kern Lima, Founder of IT Cosmetics & 2023 CTLF CEO Forum Keynote

When it comes to success in your business, in your life, and especially in your journey of heart-led leadership, here’s what I know for sure: You don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, rather you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth.

I know I’m going there right off the bat, but realize, as you read this article that we’re not here to play small. Let’s really make an impact together! Because our teams need us, our potential needs us and the world needs us. See, I’ve been a Denny’s waitress, and I’ve started and scaled a billion-dollar company from my living room, leading it from start-up through the hyper-growth phase to the eventual acquisition to L’Oreal who bought it in 2016 for $1.2 billion in cash. Then I led it through the integration phase and doubled its size in the two years post-acquisition. I did just about every job in my company when I couldn’t afford to hire anyone, and I’ve built and led a team of over 1,000. And here’s what I know to be true: we can have all the commitment, dedication, leadership skills, business tactics, and real-world experience under our belt, but often these aren’t the things that hold us back as leaders and visionaries. What holds us back more than anything else is the temptation to doubt our own ideas, doubt our own worthiness, doubt ourselves out of our potential and, if we’re not careful, doubt ourselves out of our own destiny.

Okay, while we’re at it and just to get us set for all of the amazingness together that’s to come October 3rd, one more question for you: What has self-doubt already cost you in your leadership, your business, and in your life? 

Take a moment right now and imagine what you’d do if you FULLY believed in YOU! Would you show up any differently in your business and in your life? Would it allow you to embrace heart-led leadership in a whole new way? When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth, and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life!

See, in your business, leadership, relationships, friendships and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, which is very different than self-confidence, you change your entire life. In my upcoming book WORTHY, you will learn simple steps that bring life-changing results.

If you have some self-doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, I’m here to help you! 

Here’s to building better leaders, better companies, better lives, and not just believing those things are possible, but believing you are worthy of them. And here’s to HEART-Level Leadership™ changing the world!

Jamie Kern Lima, Founder of IT Cosmetics & 2023 CTLF CEO Forum Keynote


Interested in hearing more from Jamie? Submit a registration inquiry for our 24th Annual CTLF CEO Forum or visit Jamie’s website to learn more about her.