As we near the start of a brand new year, we’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to transform business for good. We came across a quote that stuck with us. It’s by Chris Anderson, the Owner of TED, and he says, persuasion is “the act of replacing someone’s worldview with something better.”

We’re living in unprecedented times.

Chris Romer, who is a valued strategic advisor, provided us with a little perspective at our board retreat. He shared 2000 years of economic history and it showed the colossal impact of the Industrial Revolution and more incredible, the exponential rate of our personal economic growth just over the last century.  2000 years of history and it literally looks like a hockey stick shooting straight up.

This kind of rapid growth doesn’t come without cost, and not just an environmental cost – a human cost. Much of the global economic growth we’ve created through business hasn’t brought stronger communities or more well-being. We could argue it’s come at the expense of it.

Business needs a human approach and we believe HEART-Level Leadership has a valid, powerful, necessary place in business.

How much more could we achieve if our human balance sheets were as healthy as our financial balance sheets? Humanity in business isn’t that complicated – it simply requires leaders who are brave enough to lead with humility, an intention to generously serve others, real authenticity and vulnerability, a belief that reciprocal relationships make the pie bigger for all of us, and a tribal, ‘better-together’ mindset.

Doing business this way is a beautiful example of replacing a world view with something better.