“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” –John Maxwell 

Dear Members and Colleagues, 

As many of you know, when CTLF merged with CiviCO in December, I agreed to stay on for six months to help integrate the two organizations. Since then, DJ and I have been working together to create a sustainable structure that will allow the new combined entity to scale statewide and thrive. Together, we have built a new board of directors to oversee the organization and developed new purpose and mission statements that represent the combined missions of both organizations. We continue to work on integrating the operations and developing a long-term plan for our combined programs and statewide expansion. The time has come to fully integrate and adjust my sails. 

As of August 1st, I will transition into a new role as CTLF CEO Emeritus and Chair of the private sector Board of Advisors and serve as Senior Strategic Advisor to DJ part-time. 

When I joined CTLF in 2022, the organization, like many others, was suffering from the effects of the pandemic. I discovered a passionate community of HEART-Level leaders committed to helping each other succeed and grow. My priorities were to increase member value, revitalize the community, and develop a sustainable growth model. In the last two and half years, we have: 

  • Launched free monthly member happy hours to bring our community together and provide quality content on topical issues facing leadership, including AI, culture, diversity, hybrid work, and the challenges from changing workforce demographics. 
  • Secured amazing speakers and authors for our keynote events, including Jamie Kern Lima, John Wood, and Dr. Tasha Eurich, resulting in record attendance and 100% member satisfaction at our events. 
  • Experienced record growth in membership and funding from sponsorships, increasing membership by over 40% and sponsorships by 85%.  
  • Developed new strategic partnerships with other professional organizations in Colorado. 
  • Secured a merger with CiviCO to capitalize on our combined efforts to expand our missions across the state. 

I am incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished and deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to lead such a remarkable community. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Class VI Partners for giving me the opportunity and support needed to create the momentum.  

To the CTLF staff past and present—Leslie, Lindy, Robert, Carly, Rachel, Brianna, and Marty—thank you for embracing change two and a half years ago with grace, determination, and resilience. You made every day enjoyable! Leadership is not about one person; it’s a team effort. I learned as much from you as you did from me. Together, we created the momentum we have achieved. 

To our Board of Advisors, I am grateful for your patience, support, advice, and friendship. Your commitment and passion for CTLF are infectious. You inspired and motivated me to be a better leader, and your guidance has been invaluable. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you to take our show on the road to other parts of Colorado. 

To Ryan and DJ at CiviCO, thank you for recognizing the value in CTLF, its community, and HEART-Level leadership, and for the opportunity to continue to be involved in expanding our impact state-wide.  

Lastly, I am deeply thankful to you, our members. Your passion for our community and dedication to serving each other kept you engaged through a pandemic, changes in ownership and leadership, and now through our merger. Your support and kindness during these transitions have been invaluable. It is your passion and commitment that give me confidence that our community will continue to thrive and grow under DJ’s new leadership. 

I will continue to be involved to ensure a seamless transition and help DJ develop new partnerships and launch new programs across Colorado. I’ve been impressed by DJ’s commitment to embracing HEART-Level leadership and ensuring it will continue to thrive as a core value of the organization. I am excited about the growth opportunities ahead and the broader impact we will achieve under his leadership. My contact information remains the same, so please reach out if you have any questions or just want to connect over lunch. 

With profound gratitude, 
